Please read and vote below.
February 29, 2016
Dear CBHL Members:
The CBHL Board is proposing two changes to the CBHL Bylaws to improve the efficiency of running the organization. The changes are 1) removing the constraint of amending the bylaws through a vote that must, as it is presently defined, be held at any regular business meeting (of which we only have essentially one) and 2) reducing the number of standing committees that are subject to constraints of the bylaws and redefining some committees as special committees that are not subject to the bylaws and could therefore operate with more efficiency and more flexibility. The changes will be voted on at the 2016 annual meeting in Cleveland. Per the Bylaws, a proposed amendment must be submitted in writing not less than sixty days prior to any regular business meeting and can be passed by a two-thirds vote at that meeting. The current version of the CBHL Bylaws may be found at
Proposed CBHL Bylaws Change 1.
Currently, the Bylaws restrict voting on amendments to the bylaws at any regular business meeting. This requires an announcement that is made to the membership to that effect sixty days ahead of the date ahead of the meeting. While we may not need to hold a vote regarding a change to the bylaws outside of the annual meeting, the Board would like to lay the foundation for being able to do so. The new wording for article VIII preserves the procedure of announcing the change and allowing for discussion.
Looking to the future, the length of time of sixty days, might be able to be modified to something like 45 days. Implementing electronic voting software, like that provided by Survey Monkey, would allow us to e-vote while preserving anonymity and restricting each participant to one vote. The Board plans to have the Electronic Communications Committee assist with evaluating available electronic voting software. Except for those who might not have access to the Internet, such software would also reduce the need for proxy votes. This amendment is a first step in implementing future changes.
Below is the Bylaws text as it stands (with affected text in italics):
Article VIII. Amendments. – These Bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of CBHL by a two-thirds vote, provided that the proposed amendment or amendments have been submitted to the membership in a written format distributed by any standard mode of communication not less than sixty days prior to the date of the meeting.
Below are the proposed changes (with affected text in italics):
Article VIII. Amendments. – These Bylaws may be amended at any time by two-thirds of those voting, provided that the proposed amendment or amendments have been submitted to the membership in a written format distributed by any standard mode of communication for review, comment, and discussion not less than sixty days prior to the date of the vote.
The phrase that has been extracted is “at any regular business meeting of CHBL.” It is assumed, within the framework of Robert’s Rules that the phrase “two-thirds vote” refers to the CBHL membership.
Proposed CBHL Bylaws Change 2.
Changing the status of some committees from Standing Committees to Special Committees allows for more efficiency and flexibility in their operation. A change in their activities or conjoining of activities with another committee would, for instance, not have to be reflected or implemented by amending the bylaws. Some oversight and paths of communication would remain in place under the leadership of the Steering Committee. This change involves several changes to Article 6 : Committees. B. Standing Committees & Article 6 : Committees. C. Ad Hoc Committees.
Below is the Bylaws text as it stands (with affected text in italics):
Article 6 : Committees. B. Standing Committees – 1 Steering Committee. 2 Nominating Committee. 3 Membership Committee. 4 Financial Advisory Committee. 5 Archives Committee. 6 Public Relations Committee. 7 Publications Committee. 8 Electronic Communications Committee. 9 Charles Robert Long Award of Merit Committee. 10 Founders Fund Travel Fellowship Award Committee. 11 Annual Literature Award Committee. 12 Preservation and Access Committee.
Below are the proposed changes (with affected text in italics):
Article 6 : Committees. B. Standing Committees – 1 Steering Committee. 2 Nominating Committee. 3 Membership Committee. 4 Financial Advisory Committee. 5 Charles Robert Long Award of Merit Committee. 6 Annual Literature Award Committee. 7. Founders’ Fund Travel Fellowship Award Committee.
Below is the Bylaws text as it stands (with affected text in italics):
Article 6 : Committees. C. Ad hoc Committees. – The Board of Directors may authorize special or ad hoc committees when necessary. The President, with approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the Chairs of such committees. The Board of Directors shall annually review the need for each special committee and may authorize its continuance or dissolution.
Below are the proposed changes (with affected text in italics):
Article 6 : Committees. C. Special Committees. The Board of Directors may authorize special or ad hoc committees when necessary. The Board of Directors shall annually review the need for each special committee and may authorize its continuance or dissolution.
Respectfully submitted,
CBHL 2015-2016 Board
Kathy Crosby, President