How to become a member of CBHL
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Membership fees
- Individual
$80 US/yr – Individual memberships are available to librarians and interested persons from the horticultural and botanical professions and community.
- Institutional
$130 US/yr – Institutional memberships are open to botanical and horticultural libraries or organizations of any size, public or private. Institutional memberships allow for two representatives, and provide some added benefits, such as an opportunity (for libraries) to participate in the computer consortium. Gradual fees escalation is also available if more than two representatives (up to six) wish to become representatives (see Online Membership Form).
- Student/Retiree
$50 US/yr – A reduced membership rate is available for students and retirees.
- Commercial
$175 US/yr – Commercial memberships include additional benefits:
- One free set of current mailing labels for advertising* or information mailing and the opportunity to purchase additional sets at current rates
* Definition of advertisement: Any message from a for-profit entity that solicits sales or offers items for sale, including announcements regarding merchandise or catalogs of merchandise.
- Commercial members name two voting representatives
- A public business link with a brief description on the CBHL website
- One listing or business card-sized advertisement [2×3″] per year in the CBHL Newsletter
- Authorization to post up to one commercial advertisement each month on the CBHL electronic list [all advertisements must comply with standards determined by the CBHL Board of Directors]
Affiliate Membership in EBHL
Thanks to collaboration between CBHL and EBHL, the European Botanical and Horticultural Libraries Group, affiliate memberships are available for either organization to members of the other organization for a cost of $20 per year. Gradual fees escalation is also available if more than one representative wish to become affiliates (see Online Membership Form). Select appropriate box for EBHL affiliate membership on application form.
Need more information on CBHL Membership?
Please contact us to learn how you or your institution can benefit in becoming a CBHL member.